Emil Lassaria Si Meyah – Moonlight

Run when my life is turned upside down
trying hard to keep my feet on the ground
I enjoy the glow
I go with the flow and
I’m about to blow better blow out mine
I’m a striker bows, baby watch me grow when I’m moving that is what I like
if I may free
I want to take it with my dream about you and me
take my free
I enjoy the blow
I go with the flow
and I’m about to blow better
blow your mind I’m a striker bows baby,
watch me grow when I’m moving
that’s what
I love me you tell me love me free
I wanna say it with my melody
I keep on dream about you and me that’s why you free
you tell me what you can’t be free
I wanna sing it with my melody
I keep on dreaming about you and me
let’s try away take my answer
I enjoy the blow
I go with the flow and
I’m about to blow better blow your mind
I’m a striker bows baby, watch me grow wanna move in.

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